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Weekly Paragraphs for the Holy Sacrament
By Austin Farrer
Dacre Press, Westminster

JESUS broke the bread of the Supper into as many pieces as there were disciples present. Peter took one piece, John another and so on until there was none of it remaining. He gave his mysterious body away to his friends without remainder and without reserve, for that was the principle of his life. He also said to his disciples, ‘Give, and it shall be given unto you.’  But I do not find that I give myself away as he gave himself away. I find that I am jealously keeping my life for myself, stealing this and that part from my neighbour and from God, making up little closed packets of pleasure and pride. ‘Give, and it shall be given to you’. If we could once for all give ourselves away, be perfectly at the disposal of God and of men, Jesus would fully give himself to us.