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Commentary from 
Rivingtons, London, 1884

All the days between Easter and its Octave have “in ablis” added to them in the Sacramentary of St. Gregory, but the Sunday after Easter is called Dominica octavas Paschae.  From a very ancient period, however, it has been called “Dominica post albas,” or (as in the Ambrosian Missal), “Dominica in albis depositis,” and shortly, “Dominica in albis,” because on this day the newly baptized first appeared without the chrisms or white robes which they had worn every day since their baptism on Easter Eve.  The popular English name of Low Sunday has probably arisen from the contrast between the joys of Easter and the first return to ordinary Sunday services.  On this Sunday, or sometimes on the fourth Sunday after Easter, it was the custom, in primitive days, for those who had been baptized the year before to keep an anniversary of their baptism, which was called the Annotine Easter, although the actual anniversary of the previous Easter might fall on another day.  [Micrologus, lvi.]  The Epistle evidently bears on this custom, and sets forth the new birth of Baptism as the beginning of an abiding power of overcoming the world through its connection with the Risen Christ, the source of our regeneration.  The ancient writer just referred to suggests the reflection, that if we celebrate the anniversary of that day when we were born to eternal death through original sin, how much rather ought we to keep in memory the day when we were new born into eternal life? 

The Collect appointed for this Sunday in 1549 was that now in use; being the same that was appointed for the second communion on Easter Day, and for Easter Monday and Tuesday.  In 1552, when the special service for this second communion was discontinued, the Collect at present in use on Easter Day was substituted.  In both cases Low Sunday was regarded as the Octave of Easter, according to the ancient rite; but in 1661 the original Collect of the day was restored at the suggestion of Cosin, the change that had removed it from use on Easter Day being overlooked, and thus the ritual symmetry of the two services was marred.